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Journal of Nanomaterials and Devices



right arrow  Prof.Stefano Bellucci
Professor, Nanotechnology for Electrical Engineering Department, National Institute of Nuclear Physics–INFN
Email: Stefano.Bellucci@lnf.infn.it


right arrow  Prof.Xinqing Xiao
Associate Professor, College of Engineering Department, China Agricultural University
Email: xxqjd@cau.edu.cn
right arrow  Prof.Shonak Bansal
Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Chandigarh University
Email: shonak.e10103@cumail.in
right arrow  Dr.Gayan Chathuranga
Teaching Assistant, Information Engineering Department, University of Brescia
Email: g.wadumasthree@unibs.it
right arrow  Prof.Matteo Strozzi
Associate Professor, Applied Mechanics Department, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Email: matteo.strozzi@unimore.it
right arrow  Dr.Raman Krishnamoorthi
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Pharmaceutical Laboratory Department, Chang Gung University
Email: D000019429@cgu.edu.tw
right arrow  Prof.Stefano Bellucci
Professor, Nanotechnology for Electrical Engineering Department, National Institute of Nuclear Physics–INFN
Email: Stefano.Bellucci@lnf.infn.it
right arrow  Dr.Muhammad Yar
Lecturer, Chemistry Department, Abbottabad Public School & College Abbottabad
Email: myar@aps.edu.pk
right arrow  Prof.Yang Luo
Professor, Energy Science and Engineering Department, Nanjing Tech University
Email: yluo24-c@my.cityu.edu.hk
right arrow  Prof.Kuldeep Kr. Saxena
Professor, Division of Research and Development, Lovely Professional University
Email: kuldeep.29429@lpu.co.in
right arrow  Dr.Kelechi Nwambaekwe
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Chemistry Department, University of the Western Cape
Email: 3705852@myuwc.ac.za
right arrow  Dr.Riccardo Corpino
Researcher, Physics Department, University of Cagliari
Email: riccardo.corpino@dsf.unica.it
right arrow  Dr.Bidhan Pandit
Marie Curie CONEX-Plus Researcher, Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering Department, University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
Email: bpandit@ing.uc3m.es
right arrow  Prof.Ababay Ketema Worku
Assistant Professor, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar University
Email: Ababay.Ketema@bdu.edu.et
right arrow  Prof.Eduardo Saavedra
Assistant Professor, Physics Department, University of Santiago
Email: eduardo.saavedra.d@usach.cl
right arrow  Prof.Sivaprakasam Palani
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University
Email: shiva@aastu.edu.et
right arrow  Prof.Peng Zhang
Professor, School of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University
Email: zhangpeng@zzu.edu.cn
right arrow  Dr.Ahmed Amoo Yinusa
Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Lagos
Email: aayinusa@unilag.edu.ng
right arrow  Dr.Ahmed Fahd
Senior Research Associate, Technical Research Center
Email: ahmed.emam@polymtl.ca
right arrow  Dr.Vepika Kandjou
Lecturer, Chemical Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Department, Botswana International University Of Science And Technology
Email: kandjouv@biust.ac.bw
right arrow  Prof.Ibrahim Alghoraibi
Assistant Professor, Leader of the Nanotechnology activity, Physics Department, Damascus University
Email: i.alghoraibi@damasuniv.edu.sy
right arrow  Prof.Bikash Sharma
Associate Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering Department, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology
Email: bikash.s@smit.smu.edu.in
right arrow  Prof.Jai Prakash
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Hamirpur
Email: jaip@nith.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Ian Pompermayer Machado
Postdoctoral Researcher, Chemistry Department, Ghent University
Email: Ian.PompermayerMachado@ugent.be
right arrow  Prof.Ganesh S. Kamble
Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Chemistry, Kolhapur Institute of Technology’s, College Engineering (Autonomous)
Email: kamble.ganesh@kitcoek.in
right arrow  Prof.Ramesh Kumar Raji
Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Surana College (Autonomous), Bengaluru
Email: ramesh.phy@suranacollege.edu.in
right arrow  Prof.Purushottam Chakraborty
Ex-Senior Professor, Surface Physics and Materials Science Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Email: purushottam.chakraborty@saha.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Sanna Gull
Postdoctoral Researcher, Ceramic/Carbon Energy Material Lab, Materials Science & Engineering, National Tsing Hua University
Email: sannagull@gapp.nthu.edu.tw
right arrow  Dr.Sathish Mohan Botsa
Director of Research & Development, Bio Enviro Chemical Solutions (An ISO 9001:2015 certified R&D Lab)
Email: sathish@ncaor.gov.in
right arrow  Dr.Sowbhagya Lakshmi Matcha
Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University- Gurajada, Vizianagaram
Email: sowbhagya.che@jntukucev.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Ketan P. Gattu
Assistant Professor, Nanotechnology Department, Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University
Email: nano.kpg@bamu.ac.in
right arrow  Prof.Garudadhwaj Hota
Professor, Chemistry Department, National Institute of Technology
Email: garud@nitrkl.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Pranav Y. Dave
Assistant Professor, Nanotechnology Department, School of Engineering & Technology, National Forensic Sciences University
Email: pranav.y.dave@nfsu.ac.in
right arrow  Prof.Jiangyan WANG
Professor, State Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering Department, Institute of Process Engineering-CAS
Email: jywang@ipe.ac.cn

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